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Supply and Demand part 7

`“I`ll tell you what you are,` says I. `You`re a plain, contemptible miser. You preach supply and you forget demand. Now, supply,` I goes on, `is never anything but supply. On the contrary,` says...

Supply and Demand part 6

“`Tell `em, says I to McClintock, `it ain`t money I want tell `em I`ll take gold-dust. Tell `em I`ll allow `em sixteen dollars an ounce for it in trade. That`s what I`m out for...

Supply and Demand part 5

“`I conquered `em, spectacularly,` goes on King Shane, `and then I’ went at `em with economical politics, law, sleight-of-hand, and a kind of New England ethics and parsimony. Every Sunday, or as near as...

Supply and Demand part 4

“He leads me into the biggest house, and sets the chairs and a kind of a drink the color of milk. It was the finest room I ever saw. The stone walls was hung...

Supply and Demand part 3

“After this man and me got through our conversation, which left him dry of information, I shook hands with him and told him I was sorry I couldn`t believe him. And a month afterward...

Supply and Demand part 2

“I heard it from a king,” said Finch “the white king of a tribe of Indians in South America.”I was interested but not surprised. The big city is like a mother`s knrr to many...

Supply and Demand part 1

O. Henry (William Sydney Porter) (1862 1910)William Sydney Porter who wrote under the pen-name “O. Henry” was born at Greensboro, N. C., in 1862. He received only the rudiments of an education. As a...

Customized tour Bulgaria

After a hardworking month or year, the normal thing is to think of a way to relax. Many and different the ways are but the most common one is to travel. Although the easiest...

The Old Bell-Ringer part 4

And there was his rich enemy, kneeling and praying to be forgiven for the many tears he had caused orphans to shed. He crossed himself ardently and struck his forehead against the ground.Mikheyich`s heart...

The Old Bell-Ringer part 3

But the hour had come. Mikheyich looked once more at the stars, took off his cap, made the sign of the cross, and grasped the bell-ropes. In a moment, the night air echoed with...

Agehi (985/1577)

