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The Tall Woman part 5

Nevertheless, the pitiable scene would be gone over again as often as a similar thing occurred—and remember that I was twenty-four years old, that I had experienced a great many adventures by night, and...

The Tall Woman part 4

`“Go on,` I replied, sitting down. The fact was, I almost repented having entered the house as I saw the expression of abject fear on my, friend`s fee.`“Listen, then`, said he, wiping the perspiration...

The Tall Woman part 3

“As you know, it turned out that she died suddenly at the baths of Santa Agueda, at the end of the summer of 1859. I was in Pau when I received the sad news...

The Tall Woman part 2

This took place in 1875. It was the height of the summer. I do not remember whether it was Saint James`s day or Saint Louis`s ; I am inclined to think it was Saint...

The Tall Woman part 1

Pedro Antonio De Alarcon (1833-1891)Born in the province of Granada, Alarcon studied first for the law and then delved into theology. He made several unsuccessful efforts to sell his early writings. His first success...

Lludd and Llevelys part 5

Andwhen this was ended, King Lludd caused an exceeding great banquet to beprepared. And when it was ready, he placed a vessel of cold water by his side,and he in his own proper person...

Lludd and Llevelys part 4

Andthen, in thine own person do thou remain there watching, and thou wilt see thedragon fighting in the form of terrific animals. And at length they will takethe form of dragons in the air....

Lludd and Llevelys part 3

Andwhen these tidings came to Llevelys, seeing that he know not the cause of hisbrother`s ships, he came on the other side to meet him, and with him was afleet vast of size. And...

Lludd and Llevelys part 2

Sohe prepared ships and filled them with armed knights, and set forth towardsFrance. And as soon as they had landed, they sent messengers to show the noblesof France the cause of the embassy. And...

Lludd and Llevelys part 1

Lludd and Llevelys (Anonymous: Some Time Before 14th Century)Notonly is nothing known of the author of this story, but it is hardly possible tomake a good guess within several centuries of the date...

Balkan Tours 2019


Phrygian valley cradle

