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Vitosha Bulgaria Private Tours

Vitosha Bulgaria private toursDoesn’t Vitosha Bulgaria private tours sound like a flying carpet to you? One that likes to take you on an imaginary journey around the mountain Vitosha. This is the fourth highest...

Stoletov Bulgaria Tours

Stoletov Bulgaria tours to remember‘And today, every time there’s a storm in the mountain,The summit recalls this grim day and, recountingThe story, its echoing glory relaysFrom valley to valley, from age unto age!’ (Ivan...

Nestinarstvo Bulgaria Tours

Wonder or strong beliefIs it a wonder or a strong belief? Do the nestinari (fire dancers) have special skills or energy? Where does this ritual come from? Why is it on UNESCO’s World Heritage...

Ottoman Travel Bulgaria

Travel Ottoman Bulgaria to see, taste and feel a past not forgotten. No doubt it’s not forgotten. How could it be?! It’s 500 years of ‘common coexistence’. Coexistence not very peaceful most of the...

Balkan Tours

Balkan tours – adventurous and relaxing journeyBalkan tours – reading books and watching films about Balkan countries is a good start. Thus you get some knowledge and a desire to see. This can make...

Balkan Tours 2020 2021

Balkan Peninsula has always been one of the attractive and mysterious destinations around the world. With Balkan Tours 2020 – 2021 you have the chance to breathe in the specific,  mysterious air on the Balkans....

Memoirs or Chronicle of the Fourth Crusade part 121

Boniface ıs Killed ın a Battle Against the BulgariansWhen the marquis had come to Messinopolis, he did not remain there more than five days before he rode forth, by the advice of the Greeks...

Memoirs or Chronicle of the Fourth Crusade part 120

On the morrow the Emperor Henry, and the host of the French departed thence, and marched day by day till they came to Adrianople; and they stored therein the corn and other provisions that...

Memoirs or Chronicle of the Fourth Crusade part 119

Then the Emperor Henry repaired to Constantinople, and undertook once more to go to Adrianople with as many men as he could collect. He assembled his host at Selymbria; and so much time had...

Memoirs or Chronicle of the Fourth Crusade part 118

When the emperor had passed over the straits of St. George, he set his troops in array, and rode day by day till he came to Nicomedia. When the people of Theodore Lascaris, and...

Travel Bulgaria


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